…walk humbly with your God

i love this. YOUR God. He’s personal. He works in tangible ways. His character doesn’t change, but He brings change around us and in us. and it’s our opportunity for relationship building to walk humbly with Him…through change.

people (especially women) say “i hate change”. of course we do. our insecurity loathes change. we just figured out “this” and we just figured out how package ourselves in “this” to look like we want to look and appear how we want others to see us. but, of course, the Lord is going to change that up because our “pretty package” is not what He intends out of our relationship with Him. He asks for righteousness and relationship. and He brings both by bringing change. that’s how we’re sifted. and when we’re sifted, the rough edges diminish (but only a little in various places of our hearts at one time which means it has to happen on a continual basis because our personalities and flesh are always evolving).

so. while i’m on the subject of change. we’re changing. students go back to school next week. wednesday night is our annual “on campus portico” and then portico tuesdays start up! wednesday nights at first start. tuesday morning women’s bible studies start. thursday night college girls bible study starts. a new facet of our ministry, the joshua project kicks off. thursday morning mops starts. homeschool preschool for drake starts. holt (those of you who know our sweet holt know there needs to be no more explanation. he’s a firecracker). sunday continues with our portico lunch and lifegroups! saturday tailgates start.

i’m usually counting down the days until september so i can decorate for fall! speaking of change. it’s amazing how quickly priorities and interests can change. i’m not so thoughtful on fall decorating as i am getting my family ready to maneuver this semester with as much grace and peace as possible.

so here are few of the many ways i have been pushing hard to have a manageable, yet busy schedule that will allow for all of the unplanned interruptions i’m confident we will experience!

Sarah Johnson and I did this crockpot freezer meal preparation which required a LOT of work. But, has already paid off! 20 meals including shopping and prep and they’re all in the freezer!


i made this amazing menu board to go along with all the recipes i know and have already prepared. Image

I made a homemade planner to meet all of our needs. i used the following printables and blogs.

a perpetual calendar found here Imageand calendar prints from here

Imageand i got everything ready to start pre-k at home with Drake!

just a FEW of what we’ll be doing


we’ll start off with a calendar that resembles all mickey mouse fun found at live laugh love here

we will talk about ABC’s and start with some small reading curriculum found on confessions of a homeschooler here

and we’ll talk about the weather from teaching mama here

and there are TONS more of what we’ll be doing but those are just a little look.

we can’t plan for everything. but when we know change is coming we can prepare our hearts for change, set our spirit to be flexible, fix our eyes on opportunities, and our minds towards peace and grace.

i’m ready. fall, you’re welcome here. Lord, give me grace. and give me wisdom to lead my sweet little boys towards understanding and mercy.